END DATE: August 2017
CLIENT: H2020 (European Commission)
WoodStock represents the future of how forest inventories will be realized allowing a rapid, efficient and ecosustainable management of forest resources. So far, forest inventories have always relied on field work to achieve a precision sufficient to be used as a management tool. WoodStock will allow, through the use of a powerful and innovative algorithm and an online and automatic platform, making inventories just using electronic geographic data made available for the administrations of EU Member States.
The months for the realization of forest inventories will become minutes, and the cost will be knocked down. Woodstock main customers will be a) all the woodworking industries requiring a quick and precise inventory for forest exploitation; b) private landowners requiring a cheap inventory to comply with local regulation and c) forest consultants that will use our inventory to define forest management strategies.
An essential premise of R&D at Agresta is technological transfer which ensures that what we develop is turned into products which democratise access to forestry information.
As such, Agresta, with funding from the European Union through the SME H2020 instrument, is developing phase 1 of the WoodStock project, a real time forestry inventory platform. With this project we hope to contribute to the sustainable development of European forests.